Contact persons of the alliance are available at both locations Karlsruhe and Mannheim
 Jan Höffer  Karlsruhe Institute for Technologie (KIT)  Institute of Information Systems and Marketing  (IISM)  Kaiserstraße 93 | 76133 Karlsruhe  www:  ☎ +49 721 608-48376  ✉ |
 Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl  University of Mannheim  Chair of General Management and Information Systems  Business School  Schloss | 68131 Mannheim  www:  ✉ |
 Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche  Karlsruher Institute for Technologie (KIT)  Institute of Information Systems and Marketing  (IISM) | Karlsruher Service Research Institute (KSRI)  Kaiserstraße 93 | 76133 Karlsruhe  www: |  ✉ |
 Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl  University of Mannheim  Chair for Quant. Marketing and Consumer Analytics  Analystics | SBusiness School  Schloss | 68131 Mannheim  www:  ✉ |
 Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt  Karlsruher Institute for Technologie (KIT)  Institute of Information Systems and Marketing  (IISM) | Karlsruher Service Research Institute (KSRI)  Kaiserstraße 93 | 76133 Karlsruhe  www: |  ✉ |