
Contact persons of the alliance are available at both locations Karlsruhe and Mannheim

Operative Project Management

 Jan Höffer
 Karlsruhe Institute for Technologie (KIT)
 Institute of Information Systems and Marketing

 Kaiserstraße 93 | 76133 Karlsruhe
 ☎ +49 721 608-48376

Alliance speakers

 Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl
 University of Mannheim
 Chair of General Management and Information Systems
 Business School

 Schloss | 68131 Mannheim

 Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche
 Karlsruher Institute for Technologie (KIT)
 Institute of Information Systems and Marketing
 (IISM) | Karlsruher Service Research Institute (KSRI)

 Kaiserstraße 93 | 76133 Karlsruhe
 www: |

 Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl
 University of Mannheim
 Chair for Quant. Marketing and Consumer Analytics
 Analystics | SBusiness School

 Schloss | 68131 Mannheim

 Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt
 Karlsruher Institute for Technologie (KIT)
 Institute of Information Systems and Marketing
 (IISM) | Karlsruher Service Research Institute (KSRI)

 Kaiserstraße 93 | 76133 Karlsruhe
 www: |